Monday, March 31, 2014

Another day of beautiful weather

When the food being cooked in the hostel kitchen has a smell remniscient of the food served in aged care facilities it's slightly disturbing. Fortunately that is not what I'm eating, as another of the guests in the hostel has cooked up that smell. My dinner was a reasonably impressive Thai takeaway dish.

Today was another beautiful day in Vancouver. I spent it doing a lot of waking. 

After wandering around town, finding some coffee and going past the bus station, I took a bus up to Capilano gorge, a beautiful location partway up Grouse Mountain.

I ventured across the suspension bridge, wandered in and out of the trees of the rainforest and trekked along pathways off the edge of the gorge. It was a beautiful place.

Travelling on your own teaches you how to take good selfies (if you didn't know how to already) I must say I am learning lots :-)

Just incase i hadn't done enough walking yet. I got off the bus in Stanley park, a section of parkland similar to kings park back in Perth and wandered along the waters edge for a short while there. It was enjoyable especially because they have a good system of separate pathways so that I didn't get run over by someone cycling or rollerblading.

xxx Camille 

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