Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The city of Paree

So, just in case you hadn't been told yet, we are now in Paris.

It took us a while to get here. There was a public holiday in Geneva yesterday (for Pentecost) which meant that not as many trains were running and little to our knowledge we also had to book the trains direct to Paris well in advance (especially if we had Eurail passes which we do). So we chose the regional train which took us through 9 hours of beautiful french countryside. This would have been much nicer to see if I wasn't suffering from a migraine and sitting next to a (rather large) guy with a very small bladder. Still we made it to Paris and to our hostel safely and without any hassle.

Today, I still wasn't feeling that great so we took it easy. We got lost in Paris (with a map so that we could actually get found again) and had hoped to climb the Eiffel Tower but due to the poor visibility and miserable weather decided to do it another day. Tomorrow's weather is forecast to be nicer so we'll see what happens then.


In one of the pics you can see the Eiffel Tower through the clouds...

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